Friday, May 22, 2009

Dog Training Tips and Secrets

It is often said by so many dog trainers at some time or another, there is no such thing as a bad dog it is irresponsible owners that are the problem. All pet owners at some time or another like to spoil there beloved pet, although there does have to be a limit to this. This is why certain limits need to be adhered to or problems will arise.

Those who allow their dogs to run freely around the home with no discipline, will probably cause aggravation when taken out for a walk. A child has to learn respect and discipline and so do animals. It is important to give certain rules and boundaries to your dog right from the start.

They say that if a dog reaches 12 months old and has no respect for their owner then it will be obvious that problems will arise in the future. This is a mistake many owners have made and instead of enjoying the company of their dog they begin to loath it.

This does not mean that you have to go over the top with the discipline your pet should still be allowed to have fun and play. It simply means that from day one of getting your dog especially at the puppy stage, this is when the rules start. If you have children and it is holiday season remember to take time out to carry on with the dog training.

One of the rules that all pet owners have to be strict with is begging at the table. In the beginning this is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you look down at those beautiful big brown eyes. However this has to be done because it is not so funny and loses its charm when you have guests.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. English Bulldogs for Rehoming
